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Leave the complicated decision making at the office and escape to your own backyard. poolife® Pool Care Systems include all the poolife® products you need to ensure sparking-clean water all summer long. Your professional poolife® Dealer will help you select the system that's best for your pool and your lifestyle. 


  • $34.54

    Poolife Back to Blue Shock System

    Poolife Back To Blue is an amazing system designed to turn your green pool back to sparkling clear water. This two-part system destroys the bacteri...

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  • $14.99

    poolife Gold Medal Clarifier - 32 oz

    Poolife Gold Medal is an outstanding clarifier that helps to clear and brighten cloudy water. Visibly see this product work as it changes from gol...

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  • $34.99

    Poolife Defend - 32 oz

    POOLIFE Defend+ Algaecide is a non-foaming algaecide that not only treats and prevents green, black, and yellow algae, but also clarifies your wate...

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