Pristine Blue Recurring Maintenance Box
For pools on the Pristine Blue System this box contains everything you need to keep your pool simple, easy, and fun.
Pool Sizing Chart
- Small 10,000 gallons or less
ships every other month - Medium 10,000 to 15,000 gallons
ships every 6 weeks - Large 15,000 and above
ships every 4 weeks
- 32oz of Pristine Blue
- 32oz of Pristine Clean*
- 4 Bags of Poollife Clean Shock Oxidizer or Poollife Non Chlorine Oxidizer
- 32oz of Filter Cleaner*
- Water Sample Bottle
*Pristine Clean will be rotated with filter cleaner every other month.
Pristine Blue Chlorine Free chemicals. PristineBlue® is a non-chlorine or low chlorine chemical system which provides pool owners with many advantages over chlorine. It’s gentle on eyes and skin, won’t bleach vinyl liners and your family can swim immediately after application. The formula used to make PristineBlue® is EPA registered in every state and is Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60 as a drinking water additive. Pool owners can treat their pool water with the same chemical used to control algae and bacteria in many U.S. drinking water supplies.